210 Willow Street NW, Lenoir, NC 28645

How to Comfort Your Child Before, During And After a Tooth Extraction

If your local pediatric dentist examines your child’s teeth and determines that they are severely damaged, then they may recommend an extraction. The thought of getting a tooth extraction can be nerve-wracking for the child and parent. The good news is that there are several things that you can do to comfort your child.

Tell Your Child Why They Need Their Tooth Extracted

Your child may have several questions about tooth extractions. You should explain extraction to your child in a way that they can understand. You should also explain what will happen if the tooth is not removed.

Avoid Trigger Words

If you use the wrong words, then your child may associate a trip to the Lenoir dentists for kids to be something bad. “Shot, “hurt” and “pain” are some of the words that you will need to avoid. Even if you tell your child that the extraction will only hurt a little, it can still cause your child to become fearful and anxious.

Ask About Anesthesia Options

You should ask Lenoir dentists for kids about the anesthesia options that are available. Anesthesia can help your child relax and have a positive extraction experience. Laughing gas, IV sedation and hospital-based anesthesia are some of the options that you have.

Make Sure That Your Child Gets Plenty of Rest

A Lenoir NC children’s dentist will recommend that your child get plenty of rest before and after the procedure. Your child will be more relaxed before and after the appointment. The dentist will also give you a list of instructions. This will make the recovery go more smoothly. It will also help your child avoid complications.

Your children deserve to get the best dental care possible. Our Lenoir NC children’s dentist will make sure that you get the best care possible. If you are looking for a pediatric dentist, then contact us today.
